This is the world of 6G
The first step is to map the landscape, identify specific needs, review complementarities and gaps.
This will make it possible to establish a roadmap to maximize the impact and opportunities for Belgium in a future world where a region’s competitiveness will depend heavily on :
- the frictionless use of artificial intelligence
- the associated public and private data flows
- the link between the physical and virtual worlds
- the know-how around it.
We will take into account both sustainability for 6G and 6G for sustainability.
6G Advantages
Extreme High Data Rate
Peak Data Rate > 100 Gbps
Exploiting new Spectrum Bands
Extreme Coverage
Gbps Coverage Everywhere
New coverage Areas (Sky, Sea, Space...)
Extreme High Reliability
Guaranteed Service
Secure, Private, Safe, Resilient
Extreme Low Latency
Very Low Latency <1 ms
Always Low Latency
Low Energy and Cost
Affordable mm/THz New Waves
Devices Free from Battery Charging
Massive Connectivity
Massive Connected Devices
Sensing Capabilities & High Precision Positioning
combining the contributions of the best academic research groups and institutes across Belgium.

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